MVP Development Company

The probability of minimum viable product shipment increases when the software development vendor understands lean startup methodology & ideology.

In a blog post dated September 2008, Eric Ries introduced the terms “lean startup” and “MVP” for the first time, revolutionizing the approach to building startups. We are strong proponents of the lean startup principles and embrace its ideologies wholeheartedly

With the understanding of lean startup methodology, we bring the following capabilities:

  • Ability to see the big picture in graphical detail.
  • Feature development playbook complying with lean methodology.
  • Capability to make decisions involving trade-offs with regard to time, resources, budget, etc.

Launch Faster

Having a awesome product idea. We can help you launch faster.

    What are the 4 main approaches to building an MVP?

    MVP is all about product discovery and coming up with the fastest, cheapest way to test your assumptions.

    There are four distinct types of prototypes, each suited for testing different assumptions.

    Feature Development Playbook

    The feature execution map is essentially a playbook for mastering MVP development. Risk management takes into consideration product scope changes miscommunication etc.


    Whether developers are in-house or working with an outsourced software vendor, it’s essential that they feel inspired and motivated to contribute to the project. When the team comprehends the significant impact the product will have in the market, it fuels their inspiration and motivation

    Change Management

    Change is the only constant in product management. software vendors need to be really good at managing the unexpected and the uncertain. therefore it is expected for software vendors to have a strong risk management skill set.

    Effective Communication

    Effective stakeholder communication is a critical skill within the leadership of software vendors. Miscommunication and delayed communication can significantly impede project progress. Summarizing meetings serves as an effective strategy to mitigate miscommunication. Moreover, adept product management involves the talent of making necessary trade-offs concerning time and resources.

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